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MAG Yard Sale May 2023

The MAG is looking to do a yard sale this spring, Saturday, May 20, 2023 rain date Sunday, May 21, 2023 as a fundraiser to offset some of the celebratory Anniversary expenses this past year.

Shopping at Yard Sale

We need volunteers!

The sale will run from 8AM until 2PM.  We are starting at 8 because whatever time you state, some people will come early, creating chaos.  Volunteer shifts will run for 2 hours each so that no one needs to be there all day, unless they want to, of course.  We will set up the canopy for those who want to stay and socialize or for workers in slack times. 
We also need several people who are good at pricing to show up well before 8AM to set up and price.  They can leave after that unless they want to stay to help out.
Other volunteers will work 2 hours, 8-10, 10-12, and 12-2.  Contact Margaret Emerson, email or 508-885-5277 (email is best).  There is also a sign-up sheet at the Studio.
We also need one or two members with pickup trucks with transfer station stickers to haul away anything that doesn’t sell.
What can I donate?

We will accept clean items in good condition.  If you bring large items, please be prepared to pick them up to take home if they don’t sell.  No clothes please, unless you have a rack for them and are willing to stay the entire day to monitor them.  Also, no mattresses, it is illegal to sell used ones.  Please try to bring your donations as early as possible, well before 8AM on the 20th so we can get set up and price everything.  If you have a suggestion as to prices for your items, please either price them or let our pricers know.  If you cannot bring items that morning, if they can be easily stored and moved, i.e. they are in a not-too-heavy box or similar, you can contact Margaret Emerson, at the contacts above, and arrange a time to bring them and we will store them inside. 

Clean up, this is important:

If you are bringing items that cannot be placed in the hopper at the transfer station or be recycled, please arrange to return to the Studio before 2PM to check if they sold.  If the items did not sell, you MUST take them back.  If you are unable to return that day, please let us know and we will store the items in the studio until you can make arrangements.  In general, unacceptable items include electronics, metal, furniture, and plastics without a number and large items that will require a fee to dispose.  If you bring other items that you would like to take back if they don’t sell, you should return around 1:30 to make sure you get them.

Yard Sale
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