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Autumn Mist.heic
Watercolor Workshop on Aquabord with Kara Bigda
Saturday May 4th 9:30am - 12:00pm 


This will be a 6 x 6 painting of a white home using watercolor on a clay panel. 


You will need to bring the following supplies:  

Comparable ones are fine, Kara will bring the clay panels and usually has extra paint and brushes.




Paint Colors:

Paynes Gray,


Burnt Sienna,

Sap Green, French Ultramarine. 



Tools Needed:

Silver Black Velvet #8 & #6

Hand Towel



Ball Point Pen (to transfer image)


Payment of $25 for members, $35 for non-members to the Massasoit Art Guild must be received by May 4th, 2024.




Workshop will be held at our studio in East Brookfield

Massasoit Art Guild

PO Box 14

East Brookfield, MA 01515




Autumn Mist.heic
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