Size and Limit
Each artist is permitted one large piece of artwork which does not exceed 40 inches in width and 40 inches in height (including frame) and an additional four entries not to exceed 24 inches in width (including frame). These guidelines have been put into effect because of the limits of our racks and hanging space.
Important – you may enter up to 4 pieces of artwork, however the 4th piece is accepted provisionally based on the hanging space availability. If there is not enough room to hang the 4th piece, you will be notified and reimbursed for that piece’s entry fee.
Oil – At least 80% oil or alkyd paints or oil sticks
Watercolor – At least 80% watercolor, casein, gouache and egg tempera on paper.
Acrylic – At least 80% acrylic paint
Pastel - At least 80% soft or oil pastel
Drawings and prints Print – All wet and dry drawing media and prints, i.e. lithographs, etchings, woodcuts etc., excluding giclees and reproductions
Traditional Photography – Not altered more than traditional darkroom processes allow. Includes exposure adjustments, converting to monochrome, toning, cropping. Note that digital photos normally require some sharpening to print so mild sharpening is OK. There are other effects that were possible in film photography as well, such as solarization, multiple exposures, and sandwiching as well as flash and filter effects. Use your own judgment as to whether you could have done that.
Digitally Enhanced Photos – Significantly altered using digital tools, examples: cloning, changing colors, panoramas, perspective or warping changes, adding things to the photo and adding digital effects and filters such as blur, art media, distortions. Techniques that would be possible in a darkroom only with an extreme amount of work should be considered digitally enhanced. If you use an artificial intelligence app (AI), it will not be considered photography.
​Other Media - Mixed media, 3D art, digitally created art, collage, and unconventional media (to include fiber, fabric, found objects, etc.)
​Digitally Created Art – created art must be wholly created using digital tools, including AI apps. If it contains a photograph that must be a minor part of the work unless it is extremely heavily collaged or manipulated sufficiently to be a new image. Any image that uses an artificial intelligence app should be considered digitally created.
Mixed media is any work that does not contain 80% or more of one medium. Example, a work that is part watercolor, part acrylic and conte crayon but not 80% of any one.
3D – any sculpture or work that protrudes significantly from the surface. Freestanding work must have its own pedestal or other stand. The Guild cannot provide that. Work that can be hung must adhere to requirements for paintings. Can be any medium. Cannot be any object that would normally be considered a craft, such as a vase unless it is nonfunctional.
Collage – work that are a combination of paper and other fairly flat objects, usually also including paint.
Unconventional media – can be anything that is used in an unusual way to create a unique object. Fiber and fabric must not be used in a functional way that would be considered a craft. These might also fit the 3D category.
All artwork must be dropped off at the Spencer Town Hall. See our Art Show page for more details.
Your confirmation entry email will contain a pdf file which will contain the labels needed for your art work. It can also be found here.
Labels must be filled out clearly and attached to the back of the artwork.
Artwork MUST be suitably framed with wire for hanging. No saw-tooth hangers.
Gallery-wrapped canvases must not have any staples or other hardware showing and all sides should be neatly painted.
Removal of artwork
Artwork must remain on the racks until after the show closes.
Do not remove your own or any other art from the racks. We have designated people who will hand you your artwork at pick up.
If you have questions about the show, the entry process, judging, or prize awards, please email the MAG at or click contact us.
The Massasoit Art Guild does not assume responsibility for any work on exhibit or in transit to the show. Sitters will be on duty during show hours and a security system in force when the building is locked.